紋章の功罪・金鹿の学級 Crests The Good and the Bad (Golden Deer)
(書庫 夕方)
Library | Afternoon
クロード: 先生、お疲れさん。あんたのおかげで課題は無事終了だ。
Claude: Nice work, Teach. It's thanks to you that we successfully completed our mission.
As for Miklan... I wonder if he really believed he could wield a Relic.
Choice 1: どうだろう Hard to say.
クロード: たぶん、奴は使えないことを知りながら、とにかく手に入れたかったんだ。
Claude: I bet he just wanted to get his hands on it, even though he knew he couldn't use it.
Choice 2: 思ってはいないだろう I doubt it.
クロード: ……だよな。奴は無駄と知りながらも、とにかく自分の物にしたかったんだろうさ。
Claude: Agreed. He probably just wanted to get his hands on it, even though he knew it was futile.
クロード: だが、あんな化け物になっちまうことまではマイクラン本人も知らなかったようだな。
Claude: Though I'm sure he wasn't counting on turning into a monster like that...
I wonder if that monster represents another aspect of the Houses' Relics. What a strange and terrifying power.
Choice 1: わからない I don't know.
Choice 2: たぶん It seems so.
トマシュ: 英雄の遺産には、古より不吉な噂が付き纏っておりました。
Tomas: Stories of misfortune have followed the Heroes' Relics since ancient times.
クロード: ……トマシュさんか、驚いた。いや、書庫番のあんたが書庫にいるのは当然だが。
Claude: Tomas! You've caught me by surprise. That's not easy to do. Though I suppose I should've expected to see our librarian in his library.
トマシュ: 話が聞こえてしまいましてな。英雄の遺産について、一つお教えしましょうか。
Tomas: I am sorry to intrude. I simply heard you speaking of the Heroes' Relics. I can tell you more about them, if you'd like.
The story goes that Nemesis was corrupted by evil because of the Sword of the Creator.
Other Heroes also lost themselves by continuing to use the Relics...transforming into Black Beasts with twisted souls.
There used to be a great many records regarding the dark history of the Relics.
クロード: かつては……?
Claude: Used to be?
トマシュ: 消されているのですよ、フォドラ全土から。この書庫から消えた記録も、少なくない。
Tomas: They have been destroyed, across all of Fódlan. Stripped from their shelves, including those that resided at this very library.
クロード: その言い草、まるで教団が事実を隠蔽してるみたいじゃないか。
Claude: You make it sound like the church is covering up the truth.
But now that you mention it, Rhea was very specific about not wanting anyone to find out what happened at Conand Tower.
Hey Tomas... why are you telling us all this?
トマシュ: あなたが英雄の遺産について、何やら探っているようでしたのでね。
Tomas: It seemed like you were searching for answers about the Relics. What is a librarian if not a guide in the search for knowledge.
And not only have you been searching, but you have been doing so through the night. I would suggest you stop before the knights notice.
And that is enough meddling for today. Please excuse me.
クロード: うーん、やっぱ気づかれてたか。書庫にはやたらと足を運んでるからな。
Claude: So I've been found out, have I? I suppose I do spend more time at the library than most students.
But I won't stop. I can't afford to.
Byleth: 何が目的? What are you after?
クロード: 先生……そんなほいほい個人的な事情を説明すると思うか?
Claude: Teach... You don't really expect me to tell you something so personal like that, do you?
Though, I wouldn't mind sharing if you were to tell me some of your secrets in exchange...
エーデルガルト: それは、聞き捨てならないわね。秘密なら、私も共有させてくれる?
Edelgard: I can't let this exchange pass without comment... If you're sharing secrets, perhaps I can share one as well?
クロード: おやおや意外なところで……学校で一番、秘密を共有したくない相手だな。
Claude: Are you sure you could survive that? I'd say you're the least likely to share secrets out of everyone at the academy.
エーデルガルト: ふふ……学校で一番、秘密を持っている貴方に言われると光栄だわ。
Edelgard: Heh heh, coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment. After all, you're easily the student with the most secrets.
クロード: 買いかぶりだろ。俺の秘密なんてたかが知れてる。それより俺は先生の……
Claude: I'm afraid you overestimate me. My secrets don't amount to much. But back to Teach...
エーデルガルト: 話を逸らさないで、クロード。今は、貴方の秘密の話よ。
Edelgard: Don't try to change the subject, Claude. We're talking about secrets. Yours.
Who is your father? And why did you appear so suddenly, as if from nowhere?
Duke Riegan's eldest son died in an accident. Having tragically lost another family members as well, he was without an heir.
The Alliance would undoubtedly have been shaken if House Riegan had lost its position of leadership.
But then you showed up. Why did you return to House Riegan? What brought you to the monastery?
Choice 1: 自分も気になる I would like to hear this as well.
Choice 2: きっと答えないのでは…… He doesn't have have to answer to you
クロード: おっと、あんたらに睨まれちゃ、俺は蛇の前の蛙、ただ降参するだけさ。
Claude: Oh boy. I'm trapped here. I have not choice but to surrender under your intimidating gazes.
クロード: 折角の両手に花だってのに、棘が怖くて触れやしないな。
Claude: Alas...to be surrounded by women as lovely as flowers, only to be pricked by their thorns.
クロード: ……俺にはささやかな夢があってね。そいつを叶えるには力が必要なんだ。
Claude: My dream, in truth, is a selfless dream. But I require power to make it a reality.
When I learned about the power of my Crest, I knew I had a chance. So I'm chasing that dream. To the bitter end, if need be.
I came to this monastery because I thought I might find someone useful. Someone to help me on my path.
So, what do you think? If you promise to help me achieve my dream no matter what, I'll promise to tell you anything.
エーデルガルト: ……私は、私の夢を叶えるわ。それが貴方の夢の邪魔にならないことを祈っていて。
Edelgard: I have my own dream to tend to. I pray that yours does not interfere with mine.
クロード: 先生は、どうだ?
Claude: What about you, Teach?
Choice 1: 素敵な夢なら…… If it's a noble dream...
Choice 2: 難しいかもしれない That may be difficult.
クロード: そうかそうか。ま、今は語らないでおくよ。あんたの立場ってもんもあるしな。
Claude: I see. Well, now isn't the time to discuss this. You are still my Teach, after all.